EVAT Final Report

Suzana Lisanti (lisanti@mit.EDU)
Wed, 2 Aug 1995 07:16:49 -0400

Greetings Paul,

At the top of the MIT home page (http://web.mit.edu) you'll find a link to
the final report. It says:

"Spotlight on an MIT Page: Final Report of the Committee on Education Via
Technologies (EVAT)"


PS: If you'd like any changes to the wording on the link, please send mail
to web-request@mit.edu and we'll change it.

Suzana Lisanti phone: (617) 253-0101
CWIS Facilitator fax: (617) 258-8736
MIT E40-333 e-mail: lisanti@mit.edu
Cambridge, MA 02139 url: http://web.mit.edu/lisanti/www/