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T: London 1930 - 4 p.m.
T: Everything Stops For Tea
T: 8x32S3
C: Ron Mackey (2005)
F:	 2024-06-03 150123 UT
% tune/

P: Everything Stops For Tea [Bb]
C: Maurice Sigler (tune)
C: Al Goodheart (words)
D: HMV BD-5005 (1935) - Jack Hylton and His Orchestra
N: \251 1935
N: Jack Buchanan's 1935 comedy film, "Come Out Of The Pantry" (Goodhart/Hoffman/Sigler)
M: C
L: 1/8
K: Bb
"(F7)"D>E \
| "Bb"F2 F2 F2 F2 \
| "F7"G2 F2 z2 D>E \
| "Bb"F>F F>F "Ab/C"_A>A A>A \
| "F7"F4 z2 F>F \
| "Bb"B>B F>F "B7"_A2 G>G |
| "Eb"F>E- E2 B4 \
| "Bb"D>D F2 "F7"C2 D>B,- \
| "Bb"B,4 !fine!z2 :| "(D7)"D>D \
| "Gm"G>G G2 "D7"^F2 A>F \
| "Gm"G2 D2 "D7"z2 D>D |
| "Gm"(3G2G2G2 "D7"^F2 A2 \
| "Gm"G4 z2 =E>D \
| "C7"C>D =E>F G>E- E>C \
| "F"F>G A>B c>A- A>B \
| "C7"c2 B2 A2{_A} G2 \
| "F"F4 !d.C.!z2 |]
% tune/

P: Everything Stops For Tea [C]
C: Maurice Sigler (tune)
C: Al Goodheart (words)
D: HMV BD-5005 (1935) - Jack Hylton and His Orchestra
N: \251 1935
N: Jack Buchanan's 1935 comedy film, "Come Out Of The Pantry" (Goodhart/Hoffman/Sigler)
M: C
L: 1/8
K: C
"(G7)"E>F \
| "C"G2 G2 G2 G2 \
| "G7"A2 G2 z2 E>F \
| "C"G>G G>G "Bb/D"_B>B B>B \
| "G7"G4 z2 G>G \
| "C"c>c G>G "C7"_B2 A>A |
| "F"G>F- F2 c4 \
| "C"E>E G2 "G7"D2 E>C- \
| "C"C4 "fine"z2 :| "(E7)"E>E \
| "Am"A>A A2 "E7"^G2 B>G \
| "Am"A2 E2 "E7"z2 E>E |
| "Am"(3A2A2A2 "E7"^G2 B2 \
| "Am"A4 z2 ^F>E \
| "D7"D>E ^F>G A>F- F>D \
| "G"G>A B>c d>B- B>c \
| "D7"d2 c2 B2{_B} A2 \
| "G"G4 "d.C."z2 |]
% tune/

P: Everything Stops For Tea
C: Maurice Sigler (tune)
C: Al Goodheart (words)
D: HMV BD-5005 (1935) - Jack Hylton and His Orchestra
N: \251 1935
N: Jack Buchanan's 1935 comedy film, "Come Out Of The Pantry" (Goodhart/Hoffman/Sigler)
M: C
L: 1/8
K: D
"(A7)"F>G \
| "D"A2 A2 A2 A2 \
| "A7"B2 A2 z2 F>G \
| "D"A>A A>A "C/E"=c>c c>c \
| "A7"A4 z2 A>A \
| "D"d>d A>A "D7"=c2 B>B |
| "G"A>G- G2 d4 \
| "D"F>F A2 "A7"E2 F>D- \
| "D"D4 !fine!z2 :| "(F#7)"F>F \
| "Bm"B>B B2 "F#7"^A2 c>A \
| "Bm"B2 F2 "F#7"z2 F>F |
| "Bm"(3B2B2B2 "F#7"^A2 c2 \
| "Bm"B4 z2 ^G>F \
| "E7"E>F ^G>A B>G- G>E \
| "A"A>B c>d e>c- c>d \
| "E7"e2 d2 c2{=c} B2 \
| "A"A4 !d.C.!z2 |]
% tune/

P: Everything Stops For Tea
C: Maurice Sigler (tune)
C: Al Goodheart (words)
D: HMV BD-5005 (1935) - Jack Hylton and His Orchestra
N: \251 1935
N: Jack Buchanan's 1935 comedy film, "Come Out Of The Pantry" (Goodhart / Hoffman / Sigler)
M: C
L: 1/8
K: C
W: Oh, the factories may be roaring
W: With a boom-a-lacka, zoom-a-lacka, wee
W: But there isn't any roar when the clock strikes four
W: Everything stops for tea
W: Oh, a lawyer in the courtroom
W: In the middle of an alimony plea
W: Has to stop and help 'em pour when the clock strikes four
W: Everything stops for tea
W: It's a very good English custom
W: Though the weather be cold or hot
W: When you need a little pick-up, you'll find a little tea cup
W: Will always hit the spot
W: Oh, the soldiers may be fighting
W: In the trenches or a battleship at sea
W: But there isn't any war when the clock strikes four
W: For everything stops for tea
W: More verses found online:
W: Every nation in creation has its favourite drink
W: France is famous for its wine, it's beer in Germany
W: Turkey has its coffee and they serve it blacker than ink
W: Russians go for vodka and England loves its tea
W: You remember Cleopatra
W: Had a date to meet Mark Anthony at three
W: When he came an hour late she said "You'll have to wait"
W: For everything stops for tea
W: Oh, they may be playing football
W: And the crowd is yelling "Kill the referee!"
W: But no matter what the score, when the clock strikes four
W: Everything stops for tea
W: Oh, the golfer may be golfing
W: And is just about to make a hole-in-three
W: But it always gets them sore when the clock yells "four!"
W: Everything stops for tea
W: It's a very good English custom
W: And a stimulant for the brain
W: When you feel a little weary, a cup'll make you cheery
W: And it's cheaper than champagne
W: Now I know just why Franz Schubert
W: Didn't finish his unfinished symphony
W: He might have written more but the clock struck four
W: And everything stops for tea

[get.cgi V=1/1 B=1 scale=0.65 512x512 ]
filesizedescription 4553 ABC music file with the extracted tune(s)
Tune-84229-EverythingStopsForTea0.txt 4553 Plain-text file with the extracted tune(s)
Tune-84229-get.log 15355 Log file, useful mostly for debugging
These files should be available for 24 hours.