X: 1
T: Russian Medley
O: Russia
B: German Goldenshteyn "Shpilt klezmorimlach klingen zoln di gesalach" New York 2003 v.3 #63
Z: 2013 John Chambers <jc:trillian.mit.edu>
N: The words at the end were in Russian script.
N: Titles added for tunes that I know.
M: 2/4
L: 1/16
K: Em
P: Karapyet
B2 e4 e2 | (^dedc) B4 | B2 f4 a2 | (gagf) e4 |\
B2 e4 e2 | (^dedc) B4 | b2a2 g2f2 | e4 e4 |
e2 b4 d'2 | (c'd'c'b) a4 | a2 c'4 c'2 | (bc'ba) b4 |\
e2 b4 b2 | (abag) f4 | b2a2g2f2 | (e^def) (ga^ab) |
e'4 d'4 | (c'd'c'b) a4 | a2 c'4 c'2 | (bc'ba) b4 |\
e2 b4 b2 | (abag) f4 | b2a2g2f2 | e4 e2 |]
P: Korobushka
B6 ^d2 | f4 (d2B2) | e6 g2 | b4 (a2g2) |\
f6 g2 | a4 b4 | g4 e4 | e2d2c2B2 ||
|: a6 c'2 | e'4 (d'2c'2) | b6 c'2 | b4 (a2g2) |\
f6 g2 | a4 b4 | g4 e4 |[1 e2d2c2B2 :|[2 e2z2z4 |]
P: ?
E2B2 B2B2 | c2B2 A2G2 | B4 B4- | B4 z4 |\
G2d2 d2d2 | e2d2 c2B2 | d8- | d4z4 ||
|: (G2d2)d2d2 | d4 (c2e2) | (E2B2)B2B2 | B4 (A2c2) |\
E2F2G2A2 | B2A2G2F2 |[1 E2e2d2c2 | B2A2G2F2 :|[2 E8- | E4z4 |]
P: Katyusha
e6 f2 | g6 e2 | g2g2 f2e2 | f4 B4 |\
f6 g2 | a6 f2 | a2a2 g2f2 | e4z4 ||
|: b4 e'4 | d'4 e'2d'2 | c'2c'2 b2a2 | b4 e4 |\
z2 c'4 a2 | b6 g2 | f2a2g2f2 |[1 e2f2g2a2 :|[2 e4z4 |]
P: ?
|: [K:E] G6 A2 | B6 c2 | B2c2d2e2 | e4 F4 | z2 F4 A2 | d6 c2 | B2A2G2F2 |[1 G8 :|[2 E4z4 |]
"^raz"E4 "^dva"E4 | "^ka"E2"^za"E2"^chok"E2z2 | "^raz"E4 "^dva"E4 | "^ka"E2"^za"E2"^chok"E2z2 |]

[get.cgi V=1/1 B=1 scale=0.65 512x512 ]
Form_10787.log 829 Log file, useful mostly for debugging
Tune-10787-363_Russian_Medley.abc 1380 ABC music file with the extracted tune(s)
Tune-10787-363_Russian_Medley.txt 1380 Plain-text file with the extracted tune(s)
Tune-10787-get.log 3259 Log file, useful mostly for debugging
These files should be available for 24 hours.