Date: Thu, 23 May 2024 18:52:44 GMT
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T: Durme, Durme
O: Bosnia, Sephardic
S: handout (unknown origin) at Watertown Klezmer Jam Nov 2018.
N: arr. Laura Hasslet
M: 3/4
L: 1/8
F:	 2024-05-23 185244 UT
K: Bm
%%staves (1 2) (3 4)
% - - - - - - - - - -
V: 1 clef=treble
[| "Bm"B,3 C DE | F4- FF | "G"B2 A3 G | "A7"G2 "D"F4 |
w: 1.~Dur-*me, dur-me* i-ji-ko de mad-re,
w: 2.~Sien-ti goi-*a* pala-vri-kos de~tu mad-re.
w: 3.~Dur-*me, dur-me* i-ji-ko de mad-re,
w: 4.~Dur-*me, dur-me* i-ji-ko de mad-re,
| "Em"E2 G2- "A7"GG | "Bm"FE D3 C | "G"ED- D3 C/B,/ | "Gm"F6 |
w: dur-**me | dur-*me, sin an-sia* i do-lor.
w: Las** pa-la-*vras de Sh'-ma* Is-ra-el.
w: Kon** er-mo-zu-ra de Sh'-ma* Is-ra-el
w: dur-**me | dur-*me, sin an-sia* i do-lor.
| "Bm"E2 G3 G | "Bm"FE D3 C | "F#7"ED C3 B, | "Bm"B,6 |] % z6 |]
w: dur-*me, dur-*me, sin an-sia i do-lor.
w: Las_ pa-la-*vras de Sh'-ma Is-ra-el.
w: Kon_ er-mo-zu-ra de Sh'-ma Is-ra-el.
w: dur-*me, dur-*me, sin an-sia i do-lor.
% - - - - - - - - - -
V: 2 clef=treble
[| B,6 | D4- DD | G2 E3 E | E2 D4 |
| E4- EE | DC B,3 C | CD- D3 C/B,/ | D6 |
| B,2 E3 E | D2 D3 C | ED C3 B, | B,6 |] % x6 |]
% - - - - - - - - - -
V: 3 clef=treble
[| B,6 | B,4- B,B, | D2 C3 C | C2 A,4 |
| B,4 C2 | B,2 B,3 B, | B,B,- B,3 B,/B,/ | B,6 |
| G,A, B,C DE | DE F3 E | CB, ^A,3 B, | B,6 |] % z6 |]
% - - - - - - - - - -
V: 4 clef=treble
[| B,6 | B,4- B,B, | G,2 A,3 A, | A,2 D,4 |
| G,2 B,2 A,2 | B,2 F,3 F, | G,G,- G,3 G,/G,/ | F,6 |
| E,F, G,A, B,C | B,2 B,3 B, | F,F, F,3 B, | B,6 |] % x6 |]
W: Sleep, my child, without pain or sadness.  Sleep, to the words of Sh'ma Israel.

[get.cgi V=1/1 B=1 scale=0.65 512x512 ]
filesizedescription 1856 ABC music file with the extracted tune(s)
Tune-18998-Durme_Durme-Bm-12-3w.txt 1856 Plain-text file with the extracted tune(s)
Tune-18998-get.log 3399 Log file, useful mostly for debugging
These files should be available for 24 hours.