[get.cgi V=1/1 B=1 scale=0.65 512x512 ]
Form_620.log 1157 Log file, useful mostly for debugging
Form_62000.log 593 Log file, useful mostly for debugging
Form_62005.log 1861 Log file, useful mostly for debugging
Form_62012.log 1749 Log file, useful mostly for debugging
Form_62014.log 871 Log file, useful mostly for debugging
Form_62024.log 867 Log file, useful mostly for debugging
Form_62026.log 828 Log file, useful mostly for debugging
Form_62033.log 834 Log file, useful mostly for debugging
Form_62034.log 893 Log file, useful mostly for debugging
Form_62038.log 834 Log file, useful mostly for debugging
Form_6204.log 880 Log file, useful mostly for debugging
Form_62045.log 846 Log file, useful mostly for debugging
Form_62047.log 878 Log file, useful mostly for debugging
Form_62049.log 1149 Log file, useful mostly for debugging
Form_62054.log 881 Log file, useful mostly for debugging
Form_62055.log 876 Log file, useful mostly for debugging
Form_62056.log 821 Log file, useful mostly for debugging
Form_62059.log 834 Log file, useful mostly for debugging
Form_62068.log 877 Log file, useful mostly for debugging
Form_62077.log 899 Log file, useful mostly for debugging
Form_62082.log 886 Log file, useful mostly for debugging
Form_62089.log 951 Log file, useful mostly for debugging
Tune-620-Sapozhkelekh_Am.abc 675 ABC music file with the extracted tune(s)
Tune-620-Sapozhkelekh_Am.malt 3535 Musical Instrument Digital Interface, alternate name for midi format
Tune-620-Sapozhkelekh_Am.mid 3535 Musical Instrument Digital interface, shortened name for midi format
Tune-620-Sapozhkelekh_Am.midi 3535 Musical Instrument Digital Interface, electronic version of the tune(s)
Tune-620-Sapozhkelekh_Am.txt 675 Plain-text file with the extracted tune(s)
Tune-620-get.log 4276 Log file, useful mostly for debugging
Tune-62016-get.log 10203 Log file, useful mostly for debugging
Tune-62022-get.log 4917 Log file, useful mostly for debugging
Tune-62026-get.log 4260 Log file, useful mostly for debugging
Tune-62031-get.log 9613 Log file, useful mostly for debugging
Tune-62049-get.log 3391 Log file, useful mostly for debugging
Tune-62062-get.log 4097 Log file, useful mostly for debugging
Tune-62069-get.log 9794 Log file, useful mostly for debugging
Tune-62070-get.log 3687 Log file, useful mostly for debugging
Tune-62078-get.log 9566 Log file, useful mostly for debugging
Tune-6208-get.log 3504 Log file, useful mostly for debugging
Tune-62089-get.log 10160 Log file, useful mostly for debugging
These files should be available for 24 hours.