[get.cgi V=1/1 B=1 scale=0.65 512x512 ]
Find_73515.log 1595 Log file, useful mostly for debugging
Form_73502.log 938 Log file, useful mostly for debugging
Form_73506.log 865 Log file, useful mostly for debugging
Form_73511.log 929 Log file, useful mostly for debugging
Form_73527.log 896 Log file, useful mostly for debugging
Form_73531.log 897 Log file, useful mostly for debugging
Form_73532.log 865 Log file, useful mostly for debugging
Form_73533.log 883 Log file, useful mostly for debugging
Form_73536.log 873 Log file, useful mostly for debugging
Form_73553.log 826 Log file, useful mostly for debugging
Form_73568.log 827 Log file, useful mostly for debugging
Form_73569.log 866 Log file, useful mostly for debugging
Form_73574.log 905 Log file, useful mostly for debugging
Form_73576.log 869 Log file, useful mostly for debugging
Form_73580.log 852 Log file, useful mostly for debugging
Form_73581.log 824 Log file, useful mostly for debugging
Form_73589.log 1098 Log file, useful mostly for debugging
Form_73590.log 876 Log file, useful mostly for debugging
Form_73599.log 820 Log file, useful mostly for debugging
Tune-735-AlHanisim_Dm.abc 697 ABC music file with the extracted tune(s)
Tune-735-AlHanisim_Dm.malt 7462 Musical Instrument Digital Interface, alternate name for midi format
Tune-735-AlHanisim_Dm.mid 7462 Musical Instrument Digital interface, shortened name for midi format
Tune-735-AlHanisim_Dm.midi 7462 Musical Instrument Digital Interface, electronic version of the tune(s)
Tune-735-AlHanisim_Dm.txt 697 Plain-text file with the extracted tune(s)
Tune-735-get.log 4307 Log file, useful mostly for debugging
Tune-73505-get.log 20076 Log file, useful mostly for debugging
Tune-73523-get.log 3293 Log file, useful mostly for debugging
Tune-73538-get.log 3519 Log file, useful mostly for debugging
Tune-73543-get.log 9953 Log file, useful mostly for debugging
Tune-73546-get.log 3432 Log file, useful mostly for debugging
Tune-73555-get.log 10819 Log file, useful mostly for debugging
Tune-73568-get.log 3278 Log file, useful mostly for debugging
Tune-73582-get.log 9989 Log file, useful mostly for debugging
Tune-73588-get.log 10009 Log file, useful mostly for debugging
Tune-7359-get.log 9875 Log file, useful mostly for debugging
These files should be available for 24 hours.