X: 1
T: Ele chamda libi
O: Hassidic
Z: John Chambers <jc:trillian.mit.edu>
M: 2/4
L: 1/8
K: Em
[| "Em"E2 E2 | EE (B,E) | G4- | G4 | GG GG | GG EG | B4- | B4 |: "Em"B2 G2 | "Am"A2 E2 |
w: E-le cham-da li-*bi* chu-sa na ve-'al na tit-'a-lem.  E-le cham-da
| "Em"G(B- BA) | (GF) E2 | GG GG |1 "Am"AA     GA | "B7"B4- | B4 :|2 "Am"AA "B7"GF | "Em"E4- | E4 ||
w: cham-da** li-*bi chu-sa na ve- 'al na tit-'a-lem.  'al na tit-'a-lem.
|| "C"e2 e2 ee (dc) | "Em"B4- | B4 |  "C"ee ee ee (dc) | "Em"B4- | "B7"B4 |: "Em"B2 G2 | "Am"A2 E2 |
w: E-le cham-da li-*bi* chu-sa na ve-'al na tit-'a-lem.  E-le cham-da
| "Em"G(B- BA) | (GF) E2 | GG GG |1 "Am"AA     GA | "B7"B4- | B4 :|2 "Am"AA "B7"GF | "Em"E4- | E4 |]
w: cham-da** li-*bi chu-sa na ve-'al na tit-'a-lem.  'al na tit-'a-lem.

[get.cgi V=1/1 B=1 scale=0.65 512x512 ]
Form_89021.log 877 Log file, useful mostly for debugging
Form_89027.log 1692 Log file, useful mostly for debugging
Form_89028.log 1856 Log file, useful mostly for debugging
Tune-8902-EleChamdaLibi_Em.abc 772 ABC music file with the extracted tune(s)
Tune-8902-EleChamdaLibi_Em.txt 772 Plain-text file with the extracted tune(s)
Tune-8902-get.log 3247 Log file, useful mostly for debugging
Tune-89025-FH2013_C.abc 9058 ABC music file with the extracted tune(s)
Tune-89025-FH2013_C.png 151798 Portable Network Graphics, the open scan-line picture format
Tune-89025-FH2013_C.ps 129659 PostScript
Tune-89025-FH2013_C.txt 9058 Plain-text file with the extracted tune(s)
Tune-89025-get.log 20904 Log file, useful mostly for debugging
These files should be available for 24 hours.