[get.cgi copies=5 V=1]

X: 1
T: Noda biYehuda
M: C
L: 1/8
Z: 2009 John Chambers <jc:trillian.mit.edu>
S: printed MS of unknown origin
K: F
|: "F"FF2A ccA2 \
| "Bb"(BA"C7"B)G "F"c4 \
|  zF2A c2A2 \
|1 "Bb"(BA)"C7"BG "F"(FEDC) |
w: No-da bi-Y'-hu-da E-__lo-kim v'-yis-ra-el go-*dol sh'-mo___
:|2 "Bb"(BA)"C7"BG "F"F4 \
|: "F"AA2A "C7"(BAB)c \
| "F"zA2A "C7"(BAGF) \
|  "F"zA2A "C7"(BA)(Bc) |
w: go-*dol sh'-mo. No-da bi-Y'hu-__da E-lo-kim___ v'-yis-ra-*el_
|1 "F"A2"C7"G2 "F"c3"(C7)"B \
:|2 "F"A2"C7"G2 "F"F3A \
|] c4 c4 "C"|: c2c2 c2cc/c/ |
w: ga-dol sh'mo_ ga-dol sh'mo a-ha ha hey hey hey hey va-y'-
| "F"ccAF "Bb"d2"F"cc/c/ \
| "F"ccAF "Bb"d2"F"c2 \
| "F"c2"Bb"d2 "F"c2 "C7"B2 |
w: hi b'-sha-lem su-ko va-y'-hi b'-sha-lem su-ko um-`o-na-to
|1 "F"(AG)"C7"(cB) "F"A3B \
| c4 (f3A) \
:|2 "C7"(AG)(cB) "F"A4 "->B"[|]|] y8 y8
w: b'-*tsi-*yon ah-ha hey_ b'-*tsi-*yon.

[get.cgi V=1/1 B=1 scale=0.65 512x512 ]
Tune-32378-NodaBiYehuda_F_w.abc 862 ABC music file with the extracted tune(s)
Tune-32378-NodaBiYehuda_F_w.txt 862 Plain-text file with the extracted tune(s)
Tune-32378-get.log 3249 Log file, useful mostly for debugging
These files should be available for 24 hours.