[get.cgi copies=3 V=1]

Date: Thu, 23 May 2024 18:31:03 GMT
Server: Apache/2.4.58 (FreeBSD) OpenSSL/3.0.12
Last-Modified: Thu, 01 Oct 2015 00:57:23 GMT
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Content-Length: 1156
Content-Type: text/vnd.abc
% Chorus:
W:  Oy, oy, oy~oy oy
W:  Frei-lach kin-der ot a-zoy!
W:  Rend-lech faln fun a-le zek,
W:  Frei-lach on an ek.
% Verses:
W:1.Kinder mir hobn sim-chas toy-re
W:  Sim-chas toyre oyf~der gan-tzer velt
W:  Toy-re is di bes-te shkoy-re~A-
W:  zoy hot~der rebbe mit undz ge-knelt
W:2.Khtosh ikh bin an orem yidl
W:  Un es dart mir gut der moyekh
W:  Simkhes-toyre, zing ikh a lidl
W:  Un makh a gute koyse oykh
W:3.Dvoyre, gib mir di naye kapote
W:  Ikh vel zi onton take atsind.
W:  Ikh vil dir zogn: altsding iz blote
W:  Abi m'iz borekh-hashem, gezint.
W:4.Dvoyre, gib-zhe nokh a glezl
W:  Fun dem yontevdikn vayn.
W:  Vos hostu aropgelozt dos nezl?
W:  A ruekh in mayne sonims tatn arayn!
W:5.Oy vey, Dvoyre vos hostu moyre?
W:  Kh'bin a bisl freylekh kh'kon nit shteyn?
W:  Dvoyre-lebn, um simkhes-toyre
W:  Ver iz nit freylekh zog aleyn!
W:6.Tsi es dreyen zikh mit mir di gasn?
W:  Tsi es dreyt zikh mit mir di shtib?
W:  Dvoyre, ot hostu beemes genosn
W:  Lebn, zolstu, dos lebn is lib!
W:7.Sim-khes toy-re~fun got a~ma-tone
W:  Zol undz tomid heylik zayn!
W:  Afile di shtern mit der levone
W:  Zenen gegangen trinken vayn

[get.cgi V=1/1 B=1 scale=0.65 512x512 ]
Tune-10761-VHaerEyneynu_lyrics.abc 1379 ABC music file with the extracted tune(s)
Tune-10761-VHaerEyneynu_lyrics.txt 1379 Plain-text file with the extracted tune(s)
Tune-10761-get.log 2907 Log file, useful mostly for debugging
These files should be available for 24 hours.