Date: Thu, 23 May 2024 18:29:45 GMT
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Last-Modified: Tue, 02 Oct 2018 20:34:57 GMT
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T:Zemer Lach [Gm]
F:	 2024-05-23 182945 UT
% - - - - - - - - - -
|: "Gm"z G2 G DD G2 | "D7"z A2 c "Gm"BA G2 | z d2 d "Cm"e>d ce | "D7"~d>c de d4 :|
w: 1.~Ze-mer ze-mer lach, ze-mer ze-mer lach, ze-mer lach me-kho-ra-ti me-kho-ra-ti.
w:    Ham a-gal so-vev, ze-mer lach do-vev, ze-mer lach me-kho-ra-ti me-kho-ra-ti.
   "Gm"z B2 c d2 d2 | "D7"d c2 d "Gm"c2 B2 | "D7"AB cd c B2 A | "Gm"B4 z4 |
w: ha-ra-ra-jikh he-ma'a ji-fra-chu, et ma-chol ha-mo-ra jo-shar
   "Gm"G G2 A B2 B2 | "D7"B A2 B "Gm"A2 G2 | "D7"^FG AB A G2 F | "Gm"G4 z4 |]
w: e-lef pra-chim le-fet-'a ji-fra-chu, je-ka-shu et ein ha-mid-bar.
% - - - - - - - - - -
%W: zemer zemer lach
%W: zemer zemer lach
%W: zemer lach mekhorati mekhorati
%W: ham agal sovev
%W: zemer lach dovev
%W: zemer lach mekhorati mekhorati
%W: hararajikh hema'a jifrachu
%W: et machol hamora joshar
%W: elef prachim lefet'a jifrachu
%W: jekashu et ein hamidbar

[get.cgi V=1/1 B=1 scale=0.65 512x512 ]
Form_97810.log 1781 Log file, useful mostly for debugging
Form_97817.log 861 Log file, useful mostly for debugging 1263 ABC music file with the extracted tune(s)
Tune-9781-Zemer_Lach-Gm-16-3w4.txt 1263 Plain-text file with the extracted tune(s)
Tune-9781-get.log 3465 Log file, useful mostly for debugging 1339 ABC music file with the extracted tune(s)
Tune-97815-361_Moldavian_Doina.png 73227 Portable Network Graphics, the open scan-line picture format 44832 PostScript
Tune-97815-361_Moldavian_Doina.txt 1339 Plain-text file with the extracted tune(s)
Tune-97815-get.log 9998 Log file, useful mostly for debugging
These files should be available for 24 hours.