X: 1
T: Alle Br\"uder  [Dm]
C:From Itzak Perlman "In the Fiddler's House"
Z:Spuds 3/7/03 SG
[| "Dm"A2d2 d2e2 | f3f   e2d2 | "Dm"f4 "Gm"g4 |"Dm"f3f e2d2 | A2d2 d2e2 |     f3f  e2d2 | "Dm"f4 "A7"e4 | "Dm"d4 "C7"z4  |
|   "F"c2f2 f2g2 | a3a   g2f2 | "F"a4  "Bb"b4 | "F"a3a g2f2 | c2f2 f2g2 |     a3a  g2f2 |  "F"f4 "A7"e4 | "Dm"d2y2  |] a2 a2a2 |
| "A7"g2zf (e4  | e2)g2 g2g2 | "Dm"f2ze  (d4 |  d2)f2 f2f2 | "A7"e4 A4 | "A7"a2g2 f2g2 | "Dm"(a8       |  a)za2   a2a2  |
|  "A7"g2zf (e4  | e2)g2 g2g2 | "Dm"f2ze  (d4 |  d2)f2 f2f2 | "A7"e4 A4 |     a2g2 f2e2 | "Dm"d4 "A7"A4 | "Dm"d6     z2  |]

[get.cgi V=1/1 B=1 scale=0.65 512x512 ]
Tune-76669-KlezJam_C.abc 607 ABC music file with the extracted tune(s)
Tune-76669-KlezJam_C.txt 607 Plain-text file with the extracted tune(s)
Tune-76669-get.log 3114 Log file, useful mostly for debugging
These files should be available for 24 hours.