X: 1
T: Am Yisrael Chai #1  [Dhjz]
Z: 2009 John Chambers <jc:trillian.mit.edu>
M: C
L: 1/8
K: Dphr
%%indent 100
[| "D"DE "Cm"CE "D"D4 | "D"DE "Cm"CE "D"D4 |
w: Am Yis-ra-el chai, am Yis-ra-el chai,
| "Gm"DG ^FG "D"D4 | "Cm"cB BA "D"A4 | "Cm"cB BA AG G^F |
w: Am Yis-ra-el chai, ad b'-li-*dai, ad b'-li-*dai,___
| "Cm"AG G^F FE ED | "D"DE "Cm"CE "D"D4 | "D"DE "Cm"CE "D"D4 |]
w: Ad b'-li-*dai,___ am Yis-ra-el chai, am Yis-ra-el chai.

[get.cgi V=1/1 B=1 scale=0.65 512x512 ]
Tune-30769-AmYisraelChai.abc 434 ABC music file with the extracted tune(s)
Tune-30769-AmYisraelChai.txt 434 Plain-text file with the extracted tune(s)
Tune-30769-get.log 3230 Log file, useful mostly for debugging
These files should be available for 24 hours.