X: 1
T: German's Freilachs
C: German Goldenshteyn
M: C
L: 1/8
K: Dm^c
|: "Dm"Afed "A"c2BA | "Dm"d8 | "Dm"Afed "A"c2BA | "Gm"G8 | "Gm"zG^FG ABAG | "Gm"zBAB cdcB |
| "A"e2d2 c2"Gm"Bc |1 "A"A8 :|2 "A"A4 zABc |: "A"e8 | "A"a8 | "A"~e>d d<c ~e>d d<c | "A"~e>d d<c cBBA |
| "Gm"G8 | "Gm"zG^FG ABAG | "Gm"zBAB cdcB | "A"e2d2 c2"Gm"Bc |1"A"A4 zABc :|2 "A"A8  |]

[get.cgi V=1/1 B=1 scale=0.65 512x512 ]
Tune-57172-Frei_Germans.abc 354 ABC music file with the extracted tune(s)
Tune-57172-Frei_Germans.txt 354 Plain-text file with the extracted tune(s)
Tune-57172-get.log 3179 Log file, useful mostly for debugging
These files should be available for 24 hours.