

tune collection

This site's tune sets were found in Feb 2009, and disappeared in Oct, 2013. If you know anything about it, let me know what happened to them, and what I should do with this collection? Meanwhile, I'll just leave them here for anyone that's interested.
List files with: Session lister -- Collection lister

This is an ABC directory listing. Any .abc file encountered will be expanded to show its tunes. Clicking on a file name simply returns the file as usual. Clicking on the other links converts the file and sends the results. Links next to a tune name return only that one tune.
Get --- -- --- --- --- --- --- ---- air/
Get --- -- --- --- --- --- --- ---- hornpipe/
Get --- -- --- --- --- --- --- ---- jig/
Get --- -- --- --- --- --- --- ---- march/
Get --- -- --- --- --- --- --- ---- polka/
Get --- -- --- --- --- --- --- ---- reel/
Get --- -- --- --- --- --- --- ---- slipjig/
Get --- -- --- --- --- --- --- ---- song/
Get --- -- --- --- --- --- --- ---- strathspey/
Get --- -- --- --- --- --- --- ---- waltz/