Session lister (recommended)
The Sudbury Ancients are a fife-and-drum company centered in Sudbury, Massachusetts, USA. This is a rather experimental collection of some of their tunes. The purpose is trying out ideas for putting this sort of music online, in a form useful on small, portable electronic devices instead of the more common paper form. The tunes here are all in the ABC music notation, to make them easily accessible to music software tools.
The tunes are in single-tune files, that have values in the K (key), B (bar count), and st (staff count) columns. The entries without those fields are for files that have several tunes, variously called "sets" or "medleys" or "standpieces". The left-most columns are links that return the tunes (or sets) in various formats. The "abc" column simply returns the (ABC notation) source file. The "img" column may have links to pre-formatted files, mostly PDF, formatted for easy printing. The other formats are formatted for windows or small screens, with no borders; they are also useful if you want an image file for inclusion in your own web pages. If the Name field is a link, it gets a directory with multiple versions (or single parge) of a tune.

This is an ABC directory listing. Any .abc file encountered will be expanded to show its tunes. Clicking on a file name simply returns the file as usual. Clicking on the other links converts the file and sends the results. Links next to a tune name return only that one tune.
Get --- -- --- --- --- --- --- ---- An_EPS_test.html
Get --- -- --- --- --- --- --- ---- Anachreon_in_Heaven/
Get --- -- --- --- --- --- --- ---- Barren_Rocks_of_Aden/
Get --- -- --- --- --- --- --- ---- Battle_Hymn_of_the_Republic/
Get --- -- --- --- --- --- --- ---- Belle_Cathrine/
Get --- -- --- --- --- --- --- ---- Biddy_Oats/
Get --- -- --- --- --- --- --- ---- Black_Watch/
Get --- -- --- --- --- --- --- ---- Brandywine_Quick_Step/
Get --- -- --- --- --- --- --- ---- Brandywine_Standpiece/
Get --- -- --- --- --- --- --- ---- Brandywine_Standpiece.fmt
Get --- -- --- --- --- --- --- ---- Brookline/
Get --- -- --- --- --- --- --- ---- First_of_September/
Get --- -- --- --- --- --- --- ---- Give_Me_the_Girl_Thats_Ripe_for_Joy/
Get --- -- --- --- --- --- --- ---- Haste_to_the_Wedding/
Get --- -- --- --- --- --- --- ---- JeffersonLiberty_BlackWatch_Medley/
Get --- -- --- --- --- --- --- ---- Jefferson_and_Liberty/
Get --- -- --- --- --- --- --- ---- Lass_of_Paties_Mill/
Get --- -- --- --- --- --- --- ---- Makefile
Get --- -- --- --- --- --- --- ---- Peeler_and_the_Goat/
Get --- -- --- --- --- --- --- ---- Phil_the_Fluthers_Ball/
Get --- -- --- --- --- --- --- ---- Pigtown_Fling/
Get --- -- --- --- --- --- --- ---- President_Garfields_Hornpipe/
Get --- -- --- --- --- --- --- ---- Shotgun_Medley/
Get --- -- --- --- --- --- --- ---- Unfortunate_Rake/
Get --- -- --- --- --- --- --- ---- Union_Quickstep/
Get --- -- --- --- --- --- --- ---- Washington_Artillerys_March/
Get --- -- --- --- --- --- --- ---- _/
Get --- -- --- --- --- --- --- ---- ___/
Get --- -- --- --- --- --- --- ---- done
Get --- -- --- --- --- --- --- ---- fanfare/
Get --- -- --- --- --- --- --- ---- fmt/
Get --- -- --- --- --- --- --- ---- ftr/
Get --- -- --- --- --- --- --- ---- hdr/
Get --- -- --- --- --- --- --- ---- hornpipe/
Get --- -- --- --- --- --- --- ---- hymn/
Get --- -- --- --- --- --- --- ---- img/
Get --- -- --- --- --- --- --- ---- jig/
Get --- -- --- --- --- --- --- ---- march/
Get --- -- --- --- --- --- --- ---- misc/
Get --- -- --- --- --- --- --- ---- mixed/
Get --- -- --- --- --- --- --- ---- polka/
Get --- -- --- --- --- --- --- ---- quickstep/
Get --- -- --- --- --- --- --- ---- reel/
Get --- -- --- --- --- --- --- ---- repertoire.txt
Get --- -- --- --- --- --- --- ---- sep5
Get --- -- --- --- --- --- --- ---- sep5x2
Get --- -- --- --- --- --- --- ---- set/
Get --- -- --- --- --- --- --- ---- song/
Get --- -- --- --- --- --- --- ---- src/
Get --- -- --- --- --- --- --- ---- start
Get --- -- --- --- --- --- --- ---- time
Get --- -- --- --- --- --- --- ---- waltz/
Get --- -- --- --- --- --- --- ---- xmas/