Some questions about modern UNIX based systems
Having been around many older systems within my career, I have had the
chance to see many different ideas on how to do things. Some of my greatest
frustration with modern UNIX is how little it learns. (In some cases it
doesnt even learn from its siblings).
Here are a few things to think about.
Why (do some UNIX systems .....) ?
- Have poor support for serial line consoles
- Dont have a version of more(1) that can go back a page
- Dont have good error reporting (after all these years)
- Crash when you try to mount an invalid file system
- Dont Support kerberos at all levels
- Dont have a good, modern system shutdown(8) command
- Require /bin/dump to be run as root?
- Cause /bin/dump to dump core if /etc/dumpdates is unavailable
Last updated: 94-12-08