National Technological
University Bulletin 1994-1995
Academic Programs
The National Technological University administrative offices
are located at 700 Centre Avenue in Fort Collins, Colorado.
The NTU administrative offices in Fort Collins are open daily
from 8:00 a.m. to 5:00 p.m., Mountain Time, Monday through
Friday, but not Saturdays, Sundays, or holidays.
NTU Telephone
(303) 495-6400
(303) 484-0668 (FAX)
(303) 498-0601 (FAX)
(303) 498-0501 (FAX)
(303) 484-1752 (Tape Duplication FAX)
Mailing Address
National Technological University
700 Centre Avenue
Fort Collins, CO 80526-1842
Academic Calendar
All National Technological University courses originate from
the participating universities and are delivered via satellite.
The schedule for each course depends on the academic calendar of
the school offering the course. Please refer to the Class
Schedule published each term for each school's academic calendar.
Note: The NTU Broadcast Schedule will reflect the actual
transmission dates and times for each term.
Coordinators receive the Broadcast Schedule and establish
viewing schedules. Coordinators are urged to set local schedules
as closely as possible to the campus schedule.
National Technological University extends to wherever the
students are, with telecommunication linkages among the students,
faculty, and administrative offices. The University relies upon
educational and telecommunication technology to deliver high-
quality academic programs from the participating universities to
the students at their job sites, wherever they are located across
the United States.
National Technological University
National Technological University was established in Colorado
as a nonprofit corporation in 1984. NTU is recognized by the
Federal government as an exempt organization under Section
501(c)(3) and 509(a)(1) of the Internal Revenue Code. The Board
of Trustees governs NTU.
The Vision of National Technological University
Enabling technical professionals and managers to share premier
educational resources globally via telecommunications.
The Mission of National Technological University
As an institution of higher education, National Technological
University maintains the exclusive mission to serve the advanced
educational needs of graduate engineers, technical professionals
and managers and to award degrees and certificates at the
master's level to qualified candidates.
The academic programs offered by NTU draw upon approved course
offerings from 44 of the 46 universities. Two of the member
universities contribute solely to the Advanced Technology and
Management Programs. Member university instructors teach courses
and submit grades to NTU. Some member universities require
additional registration information and have a separate
transcript for their NTU students.
NTU offers selected undergraduate classes from member
universities to assure appropriate foundation for master's level
National Technological University has a unique mission in the
United States. NTU uses advanced educational and
telecommunications technology to deliver instructional programs
to graduate engineers, technical professionals and managers at
their employment locations. Enrollees in NTU programs generally
do not leave their work place to participate in the instructional
programs. Each NTU site is operated by a sponsoring organization
following guidelines provided by NTU. The courses are rigorous,
but provide a convenient and flexible alternative to campus
study. NTU utilizes the expertise of outstanding faculty members
to ensure instructional programs of the highest quality.
Moreover, NTU conducts research in the areas of educational
technology as related to teaching and learning so as to ensure
continued responsiveness to the needs of the students. Each work
day NTU delivers one or more short courses, tutorials or research
teleconferences. The NTU Advanced Technology and Management
Program (ATMP) draws instruction not only from faculty of
universities, but also consultants and industrial experts.
Finally, the University performs service to the national
community as appropriate to a special purpose institution of
higher education.
In summary, National Technological University has a mission to:
- Serve the advanced educational needs of graduate engineers,
technical professionals and managers
- Award degrees and certificates at the master's level to
qualified candidates
- Explore, develop and use advanced educational and
telecommunications technologies in delivering instructional
programs to graduate engineers and technical professionals at
their employment locations
- Provide a satellite network infrastructure linking technical
professionals and managers nationally, and potentially
internationally, in research seminars, technology transfer
activities and related technical exchanges.
The Purpose of National Technological University
National Technological University shares with all universities
the responsibility to enhance and extend knowledge, to transmit
the intellectual content of the culture and to educate people for
critical thought. NTU has a unique purpose to explore, develop
and implement educational and telecommunication technology as the
means to achieve its stated goals. As an institution dedicated to
academic excellence and increased access to advanced education
within an information society, NTU has the central purpose to
enhance national well being by assuring an appropriate supply of
human resources to meet the technological and economic challenges
of the future.
National Technological University's educational programs,
therefore, focus exclusively upon engineering disciplines and
other fields deemed important to the development and maintenance
of appropriate technology. Thus, the range and variety of
academic offerings and experiences reflect the rapidly changing
needs of a technological society, the aspirations of the
students, the expertise of the participating faculty, the
curricular requirements of the selected programs of study, and
the results of research and development. Of equal importance,
education at NTU emphasizes studying the impact of technology and
technological development upon society and the importance of
values so as to prepare the learner for the critical choices
involved in the application of technology in response to national
Responsibility for achieving these fundamental purposes rests
with the community of scholars constituting NTU. Accordingly,
the University, in conjunction with the member institutions and
organizations, provides the services, environment, materials and
facilities necessary to enable the faculty and students to
discover, examine critically, preserve, disseminate and apply the
knowledge and wisdom essential to the enhancement of the quality
of life for present and future generations. To these ends, NTU
has identified and articulated four goals.
The Goals of National Technological University
Goals provide a frame of reference for the University
community. Within this frame of reference, the University
develops and implements plans, policies, procedures and
activities designed to assure the achievement of the goals. The
four goals of NTU are:
1. Discovery of Knowledge
The University depends upon faculty drawn from associated
institutions to engage in and prepare students for scholarly
endeavors, creative activities, and basic and applied
research. These efforts are consistent with faculty
interests, aspirations and responsibilities. They are
responsive to the needs of a rapidly changing and
increasingly technological society. Because of its unique
mission in an information, knowledge-intensive, technological
society, the University encourages and fosters research and
development of educational and telecommunications technology
for teaching and learning.
2. Dissemination of Knowledge
The University relies upon the most advanced pedagogical and
technological methods to provide quality learning experiences
for students and selected audiences nationwide at their work
locations. Students will be expected to synthesize the
delivered knowledge, to think critically, communicate
effectively and use knowledge and technology intelligently
and responsibly to benefit society, and to participate
creatively in society.
3. Application of Knowledge
The University accepts and acts upon the responsibility to
serve the needs of an increasingly technological nation. It
is developing and applying new and tested knowledge and
technology to identified challenges. It is providing the
leadership required for implementing educational innovation.
4. Preservation of Knowledge
The University recognizes and acts upon the responsibility to
preserve and transmit the heritage of intellectual culture
and knowledge to its students. It strives to develop the
technology appropriate to those ends.
The Objectives of National Technological University
As guides to action in pursuit of purposes and goals,
objectives facilitate the planning and implementation processes
of the University. Thus, the stated objectives render concrete
and manifest the intentions and aspirations of the University.
They suggest the standards for the evaluation of its programs and
1. Instructional Objectives
The University encourages and fosters the development of
innovative pedagogical and technological methods to enhance
learning achievement.
2. Creativity Objectives
The University encourages and fosters developing creativity
among the faculty and students as the most dynamic response
to a rapidly changing technological society. In this
information age, people must have the capacity to glimpse the
future as it unfolds and to act to shape it. The National
Technological University research seminars are directed to
this end.
3. Student Relations Objectives
The University stresses the responsibility of the faculty to
the professional and instructional needs of the students and
the responsibility of the students for their own individual
growth and development.
4. Human Resources Objectives
The University selects as participating faculty persons with
reputations for outstanding performance as teachers and
scholars and offers selected programs to assist these faculty
members in their own professional development.
5. Support Objectives
The University provides the facilities and services essential
to the fulfillment of the institutional mission. Moreover,
the University strives for the development and refinement of
technological means to enhance the quality of the facilities
and services.
6. Organization and Administration Objectives
The University maintains a supportive organization and
administrative structure that rests firmly upon participatory
management of academic programs.
7. Evaluation Objectives
The University continually evaluates programs and services to
ensure progress toward achieving institutional goals.
Nondiscrimination Policy
The University supports the provisions and the intent of the
applicable state and national statutes and regulations.
Accordingly, equal opportunity for employment and admission is
extended to all qualified persons, and the University promotes
equal opportunity through a positive program of affirmative
National Technological University does not discriminate in
admissions, program participation, or employment on the basis of
race, color, religion, sex, national origin, age, handicap,
veteran status, pregnancy, or marital status. A student or
University employee who encounters any such discriminatory acts
should report them to the President, National Technological
University, 700 Centre Avenue, Fort Collins, CO 80526-1842, (303)
Board of Trustees
The National Technological University Trustees include industry
representatives, alumni, the public at large and members from the
participating universities. Individuals serving as Trustees this
year are listed in the Trustees, Officers, Faculty and Staff
section of this Bulletin. The President is responsible for
appointing NTU staff, consultants and participating faculty. The
Board delegates authority to administrators and faculty
committees to recommend academic policies and manage the
University within the framework of approved policies and
Those wishing to communicate with the Board of Trustees should
contact Board of Trustees, National Technological University, 700
Centre Avenue, Fort Collins, CO 80526-1842. Telephone: (303) 495-
Academic Organization
To conduct the academic functions, National Technological
University utilizes the expertise of outstanding faculty
consultants suggested by the member institutions. These faculty
consultants are organized by discipline to form Graduate
Faculties. The Academic Vice President appoints the Chair of each
Graduate Faculty.
As shown in the Organizational Chart, the Graduate Faculty of
each discipline establishes the committees required to ensure
program quality and operational efficiency. An Academic
Coordinator at the NTU office is assigned to the Graduate
Faculties to support their functions.
Academic policies governing admissions, continuation and
graduation are set by these Graduate Faculties and implemented by
the NTU Director of Admissions and Records.
The Graduate Faculty of each program has an annual meeting with
other meetings scheduled as necessary to accomplish the various
functions. Extensive use is made of electronic mail, computer
conferences and teleconferences to carry out committee activities
between annual meetings.
Each curriculum is under continuous evaluation as are course
additions and revisions. Submissions by member universities are
carefully reviewed by appropriate faculty committees before being
recommended for inclusion in the NTU offerings.
Each matriculated student in an NTU degree program is assigned
an academic advisor. The academic advisors are faculty
consultants drawn from member universities. These advisors have
access to the student records through the interactive, computer-
based record system maintained at NTU. Nonmatriculated students
may seek advice from the Academic Vice President.
Membership on the Academic Executive Committee (AEC) is
afforded to the Chair of each Graduate Faculty and the NTU
Academic Vice President. This committee considers and makes
recommendations on academic affairs to the President and the
Board of Trustees of National Technological University. Although
the University does not grant tenure to its faculty consultants,
the academic organization clearly follows the traditional model
by providing both the freedom and the responsibility to the
faculty to develop and maintain outstanding programs of study in
advanced subjects of importance to technical professionals and
National Technological University is accredited by the
Commission on Institutions of Higher Education of the North
Central Association of Colleges and Schools.
Each member university offering instruction in engineering
subjects has programs accredited by the Accreditation Board for
Engineering and Technology (ABET). The specific programs and
levels of accreditation for each member school may be found in
the current ABET Annual Report.
Member Universities in the NTU Program
Forty-four universities participate in the academic graduate
programs offered by National Technological University. Some
institutions participate in all disciplines, while others provide
courses only in selected subject matter areas. Many of these
universities produce the majority of the noncredit courses,
tutorials, and research teleconferences offered by NTU. The
universities shown with an asterisk contribute solely to the
Advanced Technology and Management Programs, bringing the total
member universities to 46.
Arizona State University
Boston University*
Colorado State University
Columbia University
Cornell University
The George Washington University
Georgia Institute of Technology
GMI Engr. & Mgt. Inst.
Illinois Institute of Technology
Iowa State University
Kansas State University
Lehigh University
Michigan State University
Michigan Technological University
New Jersey Institute of Technology
New Mexico State University
North Carolina State University
Northeastern University
Oklahoma State University
Old Dominion University
Purdue University
Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute
Southern Methodist University
University of Alaska at Fairbanks
The University of Alabama
The University of Arizona
University of California at Berkeley
University of California, Davis
University of Colorado at Boulder
University of Delaware
University of Florida
University of Idaho
University of Illinois at Urbana
University of Kentucky
The University of Maryland College Park
University of Massachusetts at Amherst
The University of Michigan
University of Minnesota
University of Missouri-Rolla
The University of New Mexico
University of Notre Dame*
University of South Carolina
University of Southern California
The University of Tennessee, Knoxville
University of Washington
University of Wisconsin-Madison
*Contributes solely to Advanced Technology and Management
The University will contract with these and other institutions
and faculty to develop additional curricula and courses as demand
The credit courses offered by NTU are selected from the member
universities or developed by NTU. Member university instructors
teach courses and submit grades to NTU. Some member universities
require additional registration information and have a separate
transcript for their NTU students. By registering for an NTU
course, a student automatically grants permission to the NTU
Registrar to request the transfer of his or her grades from the
offering institutions to NTU.
The Class Schedule for each term and the NTU Electronic
Information System may contain additions to this Bulletin as new
courses are approved.
Association for Media-Based Continuing Education
for Engineers
National Technological University cooperates closely with 32
engineering colleges and universities to increase the national
effectiveness of the continuing education of engineers. The
Association for Media-Based Continuing Education for Engineers
(AMCEE) is a nonprofit consortium created in 1976 that fosters,
encourages and promotes videopublishing of engineering
educational courses and materials. Noncredit, continuing
education is AMCEE's primary mission.
Each member college offering instruction in engineering
subjects has programs accredited by the Accreditation Board for
Engineering and Technology (ABET). An additional membership
criterion for AMCEE members is that each school must have a
successful record of employing instructional television as an
educational delivery system. The member schools of AMCEE in
Spring 1994 are:
Arizona State University
Auburn University
Colorado State University
Georgia Institute of Technology
GMI Engr. & Mgt. Inst.
Illinois Institute of Technology
Iowa State University
Massachusetts Inst. of Technology
Michigan Technological University
New Jersey Institute of Technology
North Carolina State University
Northeastern University
Oklahoma State University
Old Dominion University
Purdue University
Southern Methodist University
Stanford University
The University of Arizona
University of Colorado at Boulder
University of Delaware
University of Florida
University of Idaho
University of Illinois at Urbana
University of Kentucky
The University of Maryland
University of Massachusetts
University of Michigan
The University of New Mexico
University of Notre Dame
University of South Carolina
University of Southern California
University of Wisconsin-Madison
The AMCEE videotape rentals and sales office is located in
Atlanta, Georgia (1-800-338-9344).
Delivery System and Facilities
National Technological University has its administrative
offices in Fort Collins, Colorado. However, the faculty
consultants are located on the campuses of the member
universities and the students are located at their work sites
nationwide. Instructional programs are delivered by the faculty
from the home campuses to the students through telecommunication
The communication links facilitate student advising, faculty
conferences and special programming. Briefly, the NTU
distribution system is satellite-based, using a satellite
operating in the 12/14GHz band. A series of satellite uplink
stations, located at member universities, and a network of
television receive-only terminals at corporate sites where the
students are located, have been installed. The space segment is
provided on Telstar 401, a new Ku-band domestic communications
satellite. In Spring 1992, NTU completed a conversion from
analog to compressed digital video (CDV) transmission. This
state-of-the-art CDV system operates at a three megabit per
second rate and enables NTU to enhance the quality and timeliness
of its delivery services. The technical operations of the network
are controlled at the NTU Network Control Center, where schedules
are prepared and satellite channels are monitored for technical
To make optimum financial use of satellite transponder time and
to deal with the realities of the working student's class time,
course transmissions occur on multiple channels 24 hours a day, 7
days a week. NTU now operates up to 14 channels of ITV using one
transponder. Most courses are recorded at the student's site on
videotape recorders for use at the convenience of the students.
Electronic mail, FAX, telephone, U.S. mail and express mail are
the principal means for interaction between students and
instructors, although computer conferencing is also available.
All students can participate and interact with students at other
sites as well as the instructors. Normal work-day hours on the
satellite network are used for seminars, conferences and academic
classes where real-time interaction is critical.
NTU students make use of instructional services provided by the
sponsoring organizations. These include the instructional areas,
computer access, selected equipment, laboratories,
telecommunications equipment, and educational personnel to assist
in the instructional process. Finally, the institutional and
organizational libraries, combined with the public and academic
libraries in the areas where the students are located, provide
the learning materials the students need for their studies.
Because of the satellite delivery facilities, students have
access to a range of materials beyond the normal capacity of any
single institution.