Thought you might be interested in one of the latest WWW journals, info
attached. Note extensive MIT participation and that all multimedia forms are
welcomed. Note also where the journal "articles" will reside!
Dick Larson
Date: Tue, 21 Feb 1995 13:56:57 -0500
From: (Jason Redi)
Subject: InterJournal Call For Papers
Call for Papers Call for Papers Call for Papers Call for Papers
A Self-Organizing Scientific Journal
Call for Papers Call for Papers Call for Papers Call for Papers
Managing Editor: Y. Bar-Yam (Boston University)
InterJournal is the first scientific journal that is both distributed
and refereed. It is currently accepting papers from the following
areas of research:
Complex Systems
Editors: B.M. Boghosian (Boston University) and
T. Toffoli (Massachusetts Institute of Technology)
Polymers and Complex Fluids
Editor: Y. Rabin (Bar-Ilan University)
Editors: C. L. Smith (Boston University) and
P. Pevzner (Pennsylvania State University)
Editorial Advisory Board:
B. Alder, Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory
C. H. Bennett, IBM T.J. Watson Research Center
C. R. Cantor, Center for Advanced Biotechnology, Boston
E. Hartmann, Tufts University and Newton Wellesley Hospital
J. Kagan, Psychology Department, Harvard University
M. Kardar, Department of Physics, MIT
C. Langton, Santa Fe Institute
M. L. Minsky, Media Laboratory, MIT
InterJournal differs from conventional paper journals as well as from
many electronic journals in a number of important ways:
1) Contributions to InterJournal may be submitted in fully
electronic form, including text, hypertext, color figures and
pictures, computer programs, raw data, video, and audio. Authors
store their papers wherever they wish on the Internet, and simply
provide links to InterJournal.
2) InterJournal is electronically refereed for fast publication
turnaround times. Papers can be accepted into any one of several
categories, including General Audience Letter, Professional Letter,
Review Article, Article, Brief Article and Report. As the referee
process proceeds, papers will naturally rise or fall to their
appropriate level of acceptance. Both accepted and rejected
remain available to readers.
3) Readers can search for articles by hypertext links, and filter
articles by subject areas and/or acceptance level. Thus, the
InterJournal allows authors to better reach their intended
and allows readers to more effectively find the articles that
4) InterJournal is largely self-organizing. All of the possible
actions by authors and referees are implemented by HTML forms
that are available on the World Wide Web. The best way to gain
familiarity with journal operation is to browse the forms.
Further information, including more detailed subject categorization,
author registration and manuscript submission HTML forms can be
obtained at:
or contact for help.
InterJournal has been developed as part of the activities
of the New England Complex Systems Research Institute.
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